Kim, Julia

Dr. Julia Kim is the Program Director for the Gross National Happiness (GNH) Centre Bhutan She joined the GNH Centre in 2013, after serving as a member of the International Expert Working Group for a New Development Paradigm (convened by the Royal Government of Bhutan).

Through local and international partnerships, the GNH Centre leads initiatives that promote a more flourishing, equitable and sustainable world – based on New Economics principles, alternative progress measures, the growing science of wellbeing, and sustainable development (The Global Wellbeing Lab: Transforming Economy & Society  Global Wellbeing Lab and The RIght Livelihood & GNH Program).

Prior to living in Bhutan, Julia worked as a physician and HIV researcher in Africa and Asia, before serving with the United Nations (UNDP and UNICEF) in New York. She brings a background in programs, policy, and research in the fields of global health and sustainable development, and is an associate of the Presencing Institute – a global network that views the integration of compassion and mindfulness-based practices as a core capacity of 21st-century innovation and leadership. Julia holds degrees from the University of Manitoba, Cornell University, Tufts University, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

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