From European political party manifestos to European policymaking – A systems lens

Published 2024 – In this policy brief, the Systems Transformation Hub analyses the stances of the four biggest European political groups on the European Green Deal (EGD). It finds that there is more unity than division on the need to tackle climate change. This serves as a reminder that the European Green Deal remains our best hope and our most concrete plan for addressing climate change systematically.

There are many common goals among European political actors. Improving competitiveness, enhancing security, reducing the cost of living, and boosting citizen wellbeing are key priorities for all parties and form the foundation for a strong and durable European Green Deal.

Authors: Sandrine Dixson-Declève (Club of Rome), Kirsten Dunlop (EIT Climate-KIC), Eva Gladek (Metabolic), Janez Potočnik (Systemiq), and Stientje van Veldhoven (World Resources Institute), supported by Zadekia Krondorfer and Milan Petit.

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