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Call for world action on multiple threats

Call for world action on multiple threats

01 August 2024 - Humanity is facing its greatest emergency, a crisis consisting of many, interlinked, catastrophic risks, the Roundtable on the Human Future has declared.  At present humanity has no way to deal with such a crisis – and a global plan of action is...

Earth Overshoot Day 2024 falls on August 1st

Earth Overshoot Day 2024 falls on August 1st

30 July 2024 - August 1st marks Earth Overshoot Day, the date when humanity’s demand on nature’s resources surpasses Earth’s capacity to regenerate them for the given year. This day is calculated by Global Footprint Network, the international sustainability...

10-point plan for IMF and World Bank to end Africa’s debt crisis

10-point plan for IMF and World Bank to end Africa’s debt crisis

12 April 2024 - Africa’s debt crisis risks spiralling out of control unless urgent action is taken by the International Monetary Fund and World Bank. This is the stark message of an open letter from over 40 leading economists and systems thinkers in advance of the...

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